

COZIC : Portrait-robot
(Courtesy of COZIC)


2023 Canada Council for the Arts
Production grant for the documentary film "COZIC"


2019 Canada Council for the Arts

Scenarisation for the documentary film "COZIC"



YAHOUDA, JOYCE. (2023). Céline B. La Terreur : A Piece of Cake.  Montreal : Joyce Yahouda Gallery Publishing / The Society of Lateral Thinking.  English-French, 82 pages, color.


The coat of arms of Céline B. La Terreur was designed by the artist and writer Gleason Théberge of the Quebec Academy of 'Pataphysics.

Symbolizing Céline B. La Terreur, whose Chinese astrological sign is the snake, here the ouroboros signifies infinity. Red and black symbolize power and energy. The Latin motto is (awkwardly) translated here as: " The woman is always in all her strength".





Céline B. La Terreur has worked with the support of gallerist Joyce Yahouda since 2002 and would like to highlight Joyce Yahouda’s winning of the Gallery of the Year Award at the 2012 Visual Arts Gala.



Céline B. La Terreur works with independant curator Joyce Yahouda

S O L O     E X H I B I T I O N S  

2023 • A Piece of Cake - Installation, painting, sculpture

Maison de la Culture du Plateau Mont-Royal, August 24 - October 8, 2023
Galerie Les Trois C, June 14 - July 14,  2023
Maison de la Culture Maisonneuve, March 26- April 22, 2023
Curator : Joyce Yahouda
Thanks to  the "CAM en tournée"program, thanks to the Conseil des arts de la Ville de Montréal and to 
ADICIM (Association des diffuseurs culturels de l’Île de Montréal).


2019 • A Piece of Cake
Maison de la Culture de Pointe-aux-Trembles.  Curator : Joyce Yahouda.  Thanks to Art souterrain and Frédéric Loury.

2015 • The Terror's Salon
Joyce Yahouda Gallery

2013 • The Divine Tragedy : The Tower
Joyce Yahouda Gallery
PAPIER 12 Art Fair, Joyce Yahouda Gallery Booth

2011 • Coquillage rock II Installation and performances with the artist "zipertatou"
Galerie Jean-François Meyer, Marseille, France 

2011 • Coquillage rock Installation and performances with the artist "zipertatou"
Art Mandat, Barjols, France 

2009 • The Antechamber of Death

2008 • La Divine Tragédie : 1977 
Galerie Joyce Yahouda

2008 • La Divine Tragédie: 1977 L'Écart

Joyce Yahouda Gallery

2002 • Mouvances
Joyce Yahouda Gallery

2001 • La vie en roses : petite suite pour clichés mordants
B-312 Gallery. Curators: Jacques Sénéchal and Michelle Leduc

1998 • Céline B. La Terreur, Paintings,
FOFA Gallery, Concordia University.Curator: Hugues Carbonneau

1997 • Céline B. La Terreur, Paintings
Foufounes Électriques. Curator : Joe Bebel

G R O U P   S H O W S   

2023 • THE WRONG BIENNALE - I Rave / Je délire.  Virtual exhibition.  Curators : Andres Manniste, Joyce Yahouda
2023 • THE WRONG BIENNALE - Wondercakes.  Virtual exhibition.Curator : Nomi Abeliovich
2023 • Devenir meilleur, le camp artistique.  Interdisciplinaire.  Le Lobe, Chicoutimi. Commissaire : Thierry Marceau
2023 • Exposition des professeurs du Cégep du Vieux-Montréal, Galerie Onze.  Commissaire : Jean Pelchat.
2021 • RETRANSMISSION, Vitrines Daigneault-Schofield, Montréal.  Commissaire : Joyce Yahouda
2022 • Pour l'amour de l'art, Encan du MACLAU
Musée d'art contemporain des Laurentides
2021 • Parle-moi d'amour Montréal, Les Impatients, Montréal
2021 • Ma réalité magique, Galerie Jano Lapin, Montréal
2020 • Parle-moi d'amour Wellington, Les Impatients, Montréal
2021-2020 • 2021-2020 • TRANSMISSION, Kungsängen Cultural Center, Sweden, Sutnar Faculty of Design & Art at the University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic, Gallery of the Kibbutzim College,Tel-Aviv, Au QuinzE Artist Laboratory, Paris.
Curators : Joyce Yahouda et Julia Vincelli
2019  • Beyond the Veil / Venice, Paris, Berlin, London, New York.   Curators: Iris Elhanani, Doron Polak, Joyce Yahouda
2019 • Ex-Center
Galerie d'art Desjardins / Curators : Marthe Carrier, Emmanuelle Choquette, Émilie Granjon
2019 • F is for Feminism and the Female Form
Hyperflexion Contemporary Art, South Africa / Curator : Alison Williams
2018 • Vitrine sur l'Art - Art Souterrain / Curator : Marie Perreault
4 self-portraits / Bonaventure Metro - Montreal Central Station

2016  •The Quebec Academy of 'Pataphysics
Palais des Congrès de Montréal.  Commissaire : Line Mc Murray

2015 • Encan-bénéfice du MACLAU
Musée d'art contemporain des Laurentides

2015 • Accross the Continents
Millenium Gallery, Prague. Curator : Shalom Neuman

2015 • POP UP !
Lower East Side, New York. Curator : Shalom Neuman

2015 •  Faire de sa vie une œuvre d’art
Françoise Besson Gallery, Lyon, France. Curator : Nicolas Mavrikakis

2012 • Itsa Small, Small World
Family Business Gallery,Chelsea, New York. Curator : Hennessy Youngman

2011 • Il était une fois
Joyce Yahouda Gallery. Curator : Claire Moeder

2010 • Peinture extrême : la peinture dans tous ses états
Joyce Yahouda Gallery. Curator : Nicolas Mavrikakis 

2010 • Expansion : les 40 ans de la Galerie de l'UQAM
Galerie de l'UQÀM. Curator : Louise Déry

2008 • POILS (HAIRS)
Joyce Yahouda Gallery. Curator : Céline B. La Terreur

Cégep Montmorency. Organisé par la Table de concertation de Laval en condition féminine

2007 •Autoportrait en commissaire : Un spectacle d'art, sur son milieu,
Joyce Yahouda Gallery. Curator: Vincent Leduc

2006 •Vacances entre gens du monde
Joyce Yahouda Gallery. Curators: Céline B. La Terreur, Julie Tremble

Joyce Yahouda Gallery. Curator: Alana Riley

2004 • Désolé, on prend ça au sérieux
Joyce Yahouda Gallery. Curators: Céline B. La Terreur, Dominique Toutant

1999 • Encyclopedia practica.
Art Mûr, Montréal

1999 • RANDOM
Galerie Leonard & Bina Ellen, Montréal


E X P E R I M E N T A L   C I N E M A   

2024-2018  • Experimental docu-fiction. With appearances and original performances by COZIC, Florent Veilleux, Claude Frascadore, François Raymond, Line Mc Murray, Éric Ladouceur, Éric Gagnon, Michel de Sévigné, Gleason Théberge, Charles Bonenfant, Joyce Yahouda, Pierre Dion, Yves Langlois, Raôul Duguay & Céline B. La Terreur.  


2023 • Dyonisian Extasy, inspired by the life of Isadora Duncan. Color, stereo, 05min. 05sec.  
2023 • Les Mystères de Saint-Côme.  Color, stereo, 16 min. 
2019 • Hyperflexion Conteporary Art, South Africa : F is for Feminism and the Female Form

2014 • The Divine Tragedy: The Tower, Considered for the 87th Academy Awards (Oscars)
Landmark Theater, Los Angeles

2014 New York City International Film Festival, New York, N.Y.
The Divine Tragedy: The Tower : American Premiere in New York City

2014 • Film Market, Cannes Film Festival,
Presentation of the movie The Divine Tragedy: The Tower
New World Cinemas, Cannes, France

2012 • Magmart – International Videoart Festival, Naples, Italy
SUPER BALLET, video, 2010

2012 • Oslo Screen Festival, Oslo, Norway
Exerpts of videos by Céline B. La Terreur presented by Evelin Stermitz, founder of ArtFem.TV

2010 • Galerie de l'UQÀM : Expansion (group show)
SUPER BALLET, video, Curator: Louise Déry

2009 • Sporobole, Sherbrooke : Pubs d'art, Curator: Sébastien Pesot 

2007• Cirque du Soleil
Tales from the Ship: Liberty by the Truth, video

2006 • Montreal Underground Film Festival 
Bubbles: Pink Violence

Screening of the 2nd video clip by Céline B. La Terreur : FANTASTIC AEROBIC

2000 • Galerie V.A.V., Concordia University : On the Line/Sur la ligne, group show, video
Curators: Michelle Bush and Maria Sheriff

P E R F O R M I N G    A R T

2024-2004   •   Céline B. La Terreur works with a collective of creators of all genres who meet exceptionally rarely
to produce a very poor amount of musical pieces and eccentric art videos of  very bad taste, to the greatest joy of all.
2024-2015 • Sa Numinescence
Director of the Quebec Academy of 'Pataphysics

2023 • IRON MAIDEN 3 saturdays of hypnotic transe, Maison de la culture du plateau Mont-Royal, September 2, 16 & 30, 2023.
2023 • Weddings with Sartre, Maison de la culture Maisonneuve, March 18th, 2023.
2021 • Semper Vigens Mulier 
Private coaching with Québec's performance's Goddess : Sylvie Tourangeau
2019  • ARSENAL, Montreal
Fantasy in Red - 3 hours of hypnotic trance
2019 • Maison de la Culture de Pointe-aux-Trembles / Art Souterrain
UN DÉLICE MONSTRUEUX : Illumination par pâtisserie ‘Pataphysique
2019 • Cabaret Mado
Magic with ze Céline B. La Terreur

2013  • Joyce Yahouda Gallery
The Divine Tragedy : The Tower / Solo Exhibition - Installation & 4 Performances 
The artist presented four hypnotic trance performances on Saturdays, January 26, February 2, 9 and 16, from noon to 5 pm.
2013 • Saint-Lambert Contemporary Art Fair
The Queen

2012 • Joyce Yahouda Gallery
Ze Céline B. La Terreur benefit concert for their own benefit
Within the 16th edition of the "Journées de la culture"
2012 • PAPIER 12 Art Fair, Joyce Yahouda Gallery Booth


Performance - 8 hours of hypnotic trance / April 14, 2012
2011 • Joyce Yahouda Gallery / 15th edition of the "Journées de la culture"
Diva dévastée par le mal de vivre qui se morfond 

2011 • Jean-François Meyer Gallery, Marseille, France 
Hypnotisme marin / Performing with the artist "zipertatou"

2011 • Art Mandat, Barjols, France
Coquillage rock I : 3 performances, followed by a Concert by Céline B. La Terreur 
Performing with the artist "zipertatou"

2010 • Galerie Joyce Yahouda 
Vodka and caviar, Curators : Scapegoat Theater

2010• Art souterrain - Galerie S.A.S.
Montreal All-Nighter 2010
Céline et Gyorgy contre les loup-garou

2009 • Sporobole, Sherbrooke
Céline B. La Terreur : A Concert, Curator : Sébastien Pesot 

2008 - 4th Biennale of Performing Art of Rouyn-Noranda
Rock Opera : The fabulous love life of Gyorgy Amadeus von Stochausen
Curator : Stefan St-Laurent

2008 • Joyce Yahouda Gallery
Decadent Youth, Curator : Céline B. La Terreur, Group show

2008 • Joyce Yahouda Gallery
A Show by The Céline B. La Terreur
Curator : Alana Riley
Montreal All-Nighter 2008

2006 • Joyce Yahouda Gallery 
Nec plus ultra : chic soirée choc à la galerie Joyce Yahouda
Performing art, comedy, music, dance
Curator : Céline B. La Terreur

Studio 303
La Traviata, performance with Antoine Pekoe

2004 • Centre d’exposition de Mont-Laurier
Curator : Geneviève Goyer-Ouimette

2004 • Musique Plus, television
Performance of the band " Céline B. La Terreur" 
Les pourris de talent , with the Denis Drolet
Interview with Izabelle Desjardins

2003• Joyce Yahouda Gallery
Kitsch-4000 : pratiques baroques et festives

1999 • Jailhouse Rock Café, Montréal
The Gong Show, Curated by Studio XX
Winner of the first prize for the most absurd performance




2023 • Yahouda, Joyce. Céline B. La Terreur : A Piece of Cake.  Montréal, The Society of Lateral Thinking / Joyce Yahouda Gallery Publishings. 82 pages, color. 
2023 • Galipeau, Sylvia.  Un banquet de mariage pas comme les autres. In : La Presse, 25 03 2023.
2023 • L'Heureux, Chantal. Un retour en force de l'artiste et performeuse Céline B. LaTerreur., 8 10 2023.
2023 • COLLECTIF. Plume Latraverse : Chansons par toutes sortes de monde.  Moult Éditions, 2023.
2022 • Revert, Amélie. Frida Kahlo, au-delà de l'icône. In : Le Devoir, 10  06 2022.
2021 • Clément, Éric. Transmission d'art en vitrine. In : La Presse, 22  06 2021.

2019 • Harding, Michael-Olivier. Le Festival Art Souterrain perturbe la quiétude du sous-sol montréalais : de l’autoreprésentation trompeuse à la désinformation avouée. In : Vie des Arts, #254, spring 2019, p. 12.
2019 • Delgado, Jérôme. Demi-vérités souterraines.  In : Le Devoir, March 2nd, 2019.
2018  • Céline B. La Terreur : Les ancêtres de la lingerie masculine. In :  Panier de crabes # 4.  Moult Éditions
2018  • Céline B. La Terreur : Prière à Céline B. de la Sainte Terreur.  In : Pléiade de lieux : Académie québécoise de 'Pataphysique - 0,025 millénaire de solutions imaginaires (2018) Edition presented by Her Luminescence, Line Mc Murray, editors :  Céline B. La Terreur, Michel de Sévigné, Gleason Théberge.  Montréal : Potential Architectural Books. 86 pages, full color.
2014 •PORTFOLIO : CÉLINE B. LA TERREUR. Punctum, arts visuels : La revue d'art sur le Québec. February 17, 2014. Webzine.
2013 • Alexandra, Milly. "La Divine Tragédie de Céline B. La Terreur, entre féminité et drame iconique". Blog : Querelles. 11-02-2013.
2013 • Pekoe, Antoine. "La divine Terreur". Blog : Merci pour cette émotion, 28-01-2013.
2012 • Mavrikakis, Nicolas. "Foire Papier : Passeport pour l'art contemporain". In : Voir. April 13-19, 2012.
2012 • RSVP Report - Montreal's premier online source for society events and art. "PAPIER12. Go. Better than ever". April 14, 2012.
2012 • Tousignant, Isa. "PAPIER12 : An Affordably Exquisite Art Fair". In : The Montréal Buzz. April 13-19, 2012.
2012 • Delgado, Jérôme. "La foire PAPIER12 à plein rendement".In : Le Devoir, April 11, 2012.
2012 • AGAC (Association des galeries d'art contemporain). "Céline B. La Terreur" In : PAPIER12, Foire d'art contemporain d'oeuvres sur papier (Art Fair Catalogue ). pp. 46-47.
2011 • Forget, Bettina. “ Summer Spotlight : Céline B. La Terreur”.  In : The Belgo Report, 
2010 • Malavoy-Racine, Tristan. " Peinture extrême : Sortir du cadre". In : Voir, 12 août 2010
2009 •  Breen, Alexandra. « 3 Hot Canadians to Know : Céline B. La Terreur  ». In : FLARE Magazine, May 2009, Vol. 31, No. 5, p. 102.
2009 • Mavrikakis, Nicolas. “Le chant du cygne”.  In : Voir Montréal, édition du 19 au 25 février 2009.
2009• Malo, Kit. “Terreur on St-Valentine’s”.  In : The Frozen Mammoth, 14.02.2009.
2009• Fadden, Robyn. “Death Becomes Her”.  In : Montreal Hour, 12.02.2009, p. 12.
2009• De Wolfe, Stacey. « Bloody Drama ».  In : Montreal Mirror, 12.02.2009, p.45.
2009• Maurice, Céline.”Céline B. La Terreur : L’Antichambre de la Mort ».  In : Univarts, Paris. 10.02.200.
2009 • « Expo : Céline B. La Terreur ». In : Nightlife Magazine, Février 2009, p.4.
2009 • Maule-O’Brien, Skye. “Glitz & Gore – about Céline B. La Terreur’s Antechamber of Death.” In : Articule’s Writing Series, 2008-2009’s programming season.
2009 • Delgado, Jérôme. "Galeries - Du concret Delvoye à la virtuelle Biennale".In : Le Devoir, édition du samedi 17 et du dimanche 18 janvier 2009
2008 • Landry, Mike. « Rouyn-Noranda Presents…Rock Opera!”. In : Things of Desire, Canada’s Alternative Art Weekly. Volume 1 Number 7: October 2-8
2008 • Forget, Bettina. « Hairy Stuff». In : News and Reviews of Art Exhibitions at the Belgo Building. 11.06.2008.
2008 • Loiselle, Ghislain. "Céline B. La Terreur joue les Maria Callas". In : La Frontière, Vol. 72, no. 17. Mercredi le 3 septembre 2008, p. 22.
2008 • Mavrikakis, Nicolas. «Piquer c'est pas voler : Perry Bard et Céline B. La Terreur s'approprient des icônes de l'art ». In : Voir Montréal, 17/04/2008, p. 47.
2008 • Forget, Bettina. « Becoming a Star ». In : News and Reviews of Art Exhibitions at the Belgo Building. April 8th, 2008.
2008 •Canadian Art. « Preview : Céline B. La Terreur » . Canadian Art, Spring 2008, p. 34.
2008 • Delgado, Jérôme. « Callas réincarnée en une belle Terreur ». In : Nightlife Magazine, no. 93, Mars 2008.
2008 •  Delgado, Jérôme.  « Une manif et bien des doublés». In : Le Devoir, 19 et 20 janvier 2008, p. E11. 
2007 • « Une exposition en mémoire du 6 décembre». In : Courrier Laval, 9 décembre 2007, p. A14.
2007 • « Autoportrait en commissaire ». In : Plaisir de vivre , Juin 2007.
2007 •Godfroid, Ivan O. (2007). Glam dicinn. Belgium : Socrate-Promarex. (New essay by Godfroid, in which some parts have been inspired by the artist Céline B. La Terreur, who is also on the front cover).
2007 •Godfroid, Ivan O. , Râleur Coaster, in : Le Galopin, (Independant Magazine),June 2007.
2006 • Jérôme Degaldo, Robes, ongles et leçons au féminin, La Presse, 9 Juin 2006.
2006 • Nathalie Guimond, Entre bonnes mains : Les mains griffues de Céline B. La Terreur, Voir, 15th of June, 2006. 
2006 • Céline Maurice, Céline B. LaTerreur : une artiste jusqu'au bout des ongles, initialement publié sur UNIVARTS, à Paris, ainsi que dans le catalogue de l'exposition de la Galerie Joyce Yahouda.
2006 • Céline Maurice, GLAMORAMA : l'ongle réincarnéUNIVARTS, Paris.
2006 • Pascale Guéricolas. Férocement libres. Gazette des Femmes, Mars-Avril 2006, Vol. 27 no 5.
2006 • Le Festival Edgy Women. In : Journal 24 Heures, 9 mars 2006.
2006 • Sylvie St-Jacques. Festival Edgy Women : Femmes effrontées. In : La Presse, 18 mars 2006.
2006 •Leila Peacock. DEXTROUS WITS AND CHAMELONIC BODIES : Review of International Festival Of Edgy Women.2006. Dfdanse, Le magazine de la danse actuelle à Montréal. 
2006 • Lyne Crevier. Migrer, l'été, sur Vacances entre gens du monde, In : ICI, 10th of August, 2006. 
2003 • Lehman, Henry. Serious fun. Samedi le 29 novembre 2003, The Montreal Gazette. 
2004 • Delgado, Jérôme. Kitsch et de bon goût. In : La Presse, 4 janvier 2004.
2003 •Labrie, Martin. Le retour : Galerie Joyce Yahouda, in : Vie des Arts, no. 193.
2003 • Lehman, Henry. Serious fun. Samedi le 29 novembre 2003, The Montreal Gazette.
2003 • Nightlife, édition spéciale de Noël, hiver 2003-2004
2003 • B. La Terreur, Céline. Le kitsch, revu et corrigé par Mondrian (malgré lui) et Qu’est-ce que kitsch-4000?.Textes en ligne sur le site de la galerie Joyce Yahouda du 1er Novembre 2003 au 1er Mars 2004.
2002 • Yahouda, Joyce. Conversations. Bulletin de la Galerie Joyce Yahouda. Vol. 2, no 1.
2001 • Bergevin, David. La Terreur’s Rose-Coloured Glasses. Galerie B-312, Cahier 58.
1999 •B. La Terreur, Céline. Le personnage de la mère dans l’art des femmes. In : Revue annuelle de l’Institut Simone de Beauvoir, Université Concordia





2023 • Radio InfoCité : Rencontre «Dialogique» - Exposition «C'est du gâteau» par Céline B. La Terreur with Professeur Norman Cornett, 2 10 2023
2019 • Exposition eXcentrer - Les mémoires vagabondes - Automne 2019 - NousTV Drummondville (sur les oeuvres de l'exposition "C'est du gâteau").
2016 • Bell TV: ratsdeville in Montreal: Céline B. La Terreur. 17-minute interview with Éric Bolduc, curator and founder of the ratsdeville blog.
2015 • MATV: The Street Speaks: Céline B.'s performance The Terror, 1st season, 6th episode. Hosted by Paul Shore.
2008 • NIGHTLIFE MAGAZINE  : Interview with Céline B. La Terreur. 03.2008.


2008 • TÉLÉ-QUÉBEC : Opéra Rock : La 4e biennale d'art performatif de Rouyn-Noranda
2008 • TÉLÉ-QUÉBEC : Céline B. La Terreur : La Divine Tragédie : 1977

2023 • L'Heureux, Chantal. "Entrevue avec Céline B. La Terreur". In Situ, Radio Centre-ville, mars 2023.
2013 •L'Heureux, Chantal. "Interview with Céline B. La Terreur" (In French only). In Situ, CIBL, 101,5 FM, 10-02-2013.
2009  • Radio-Canada. Vous êtes ici, interview with Patrick Masbourian, on The Antechamber of Death, 11.03.2009.
2009 • CISM, CHOQ FM, Émission UN SHOW DE MOT’ARTS, interview with Éloi Desjardins, about l’Antichambre de la Mort. 3, 7,10 march 2009.

L E C T U R E S    R E A D I N G S    E V E N T S

2023 •  Artist talk on the installation A Piece of Cake, Maison de la culture Maisonneuve

2019 • Artist talk on the installation A Piece of Cake, Maison de la culture Pointe-aux-Trembles

2018 • Artist Talk, "On the value of art", Cégep du Vieux-Montréal, Curator : Jean Pelchat

2018 • Guest artist, Cégep du Vieux-Montréal, curator : Mercedes Font

2013 • Portfolio presentation / Mois de la photo à Montréal
2009 • Articule : The Greasy Goose Salon Series #11 : Art & Crime (on the installation The Antechamber of Death)

2009 • Concordia University / Artist Talk on The Antechamber of Death

2009 •Articule
Anatomy of the Communist Fraulein (performance-conference for the International Women's Day

2009 • Université du Québec à Montréal
2e journée socio-professionnelle du Réseau des Arts de l'UQÀM/ Guest artist

Céline B. La Terreur is born in 1977 in Montreal. 

Céline B. La Terreur holds a Master's degree in Visual and Media Arts (UQÀM, 2002) and a Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts (Concordia, 1999). She is also a graduate in feminist studies (program: Women and the Fine Arts, Concordia, 1999).

Between 2019 and 2024, she received intensive private instruction in documentary filmmaking from director Étienne Desrosiers (known for his documentary "Roger d'Astous, architecte" (2016). She studied performance art with artist Sylvie Tourangeau in 2021 and also holds reiki master training in the Usui Shiki Ryoho tradition.

In 2022, she founded “La Terreur Productions”, whose mission is to produce documentaries on Québec's visual arts community.

Céline B. La Terreur has presented her solo work in France (Jean-François Meyer Gallery, Marseille, 2011, Art Mandat, Barjols, 2011) and in Canada (Maisons de la Culture : Plateau Mont-Royal, 2023, Galerie les Trois C, 2023, Maisonneuve, 2023, Pointe-aux-Trembles, 2019, Joyce Yahouda Gallery 2015, 2013, 2012, 2008, 2006, 2002, articule, 2009, Gallery B-312, 2001).

The video The Divine Tragedy: The Tower was presented at the Joyce Yahouda Gallery, the New York City International Film Festival, and the Cannes Film Market. In 2015, it was shown in Los Angeles in consideration for the 87th Academy Awards (Oscars). 

Céline B. La Terreur's work has been featured in international events such as the TRANSMISSION project (Berlin, Londres, Paris, Tel-Aviv, New York & Montréal) , the Beyond the Veil project (Venice, Paris, London, Berlin, NYC, 2019-2020), F is for Feminism and the Female Form (Hyperflexion Contemporary Art, South Africa, 2019), the Oslo Screen Festival, Norway (2012) and the Magmart Video Art Festival, Naples, Italy (2012).  Her work was also shown in several cities throughout the world in group exhibitions (New York City (2014, 2012), Prague (2014), Lyon, France (2014).

Her work has also been featured in several group exhibitions and events in Canada (Journées de la Culture, 2011, Extreme Painting, Joyce Yahouda Gallery, 2010, Expansion, UQÀM Gallery, 2010, Montreal All-Nighter, 2010, 2008, International Edgy Women Festival, 2006, Montreal Underground Film Festival, 2006).

Her work was selected by curator Louise Déry for the exhibition Expansion: the 40th anniversary of the UQAM Gallery (2010), and by Nicolas Mavrikakis for the Extreme Painting event (Joyce Yahouda Gallery, 2010). 

Céline B. La Terreur contributed to the writing of the Visual Artists' Skills Dictionary, published by the Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels (RAAV), 2010. This reference tool is available in all art schools and universities in the province of Quebec. 

Céline B. La Terreur supports several feminist organizations and is a proud contributor to the ArtFem.TV project, a web television dedicated to art and feminism. ArtFem.TV was founded in Austria in 2008 by artist Evelin Stermitz. 

She has received a number of bursaries from the Canada Council for the Arts and her work belongs to several public and private collections.

Céline B. La Terreur works and lives in Saint-Leopard.

Céline B. La Terreur works with independant curator Joyce Yahouda.

Céline B. La Terreur is a feminist artist, film-maker and producer who is interested in social phenomena that reveals the female condition and that of victims of violence.  

With a particular focus on their political and psychological dimensions, she explores feminine aspirations and fantasies within the interconnecting framework of femininity, power, freedom and masculinity. She has also been working with several Duplessis Orphans since 2012 as part of a large-scale project documenting their stories.  

Integrating video, photography, performance, painting and sculpture, her work uses various subversive strategies, including social engagement, humor, excess, satire and irreverence.  She refers as much to early 19th century feminism as to some of its recent manifestations in contemporary culture.  

Céline B. La Terreur’s art demonstrates a keen curiosity for the diversity and richness of life. She refuses to partition her practice into a single idea or technique, and believes that there is a time for everything: a time for social action (hence her involvement with the Duplessis Orphans and her research into women's experiences), a time for aesthetic research, a time to take oneself seriously, and a time not to take oneself seriously (hence the 'Pataphysics and her band, Ze Céline B. La Terreur).

While Céline B. La Terreur’s work promotes the rights of women and the most vulnerable in society and the progressive affirmation of their identity, it is nonetheless a bittersweet commentary on a world in which women and victims of violence often still face misunderstanding, injustice and inequality.


-Pierre Dion

E D U C A T I O N 

2002 • Master’s Degree, Fine Arts and Multimedia
Université du Québec à Montréal

1999 • B.A. in Fine Arts
Major : Studio Arts • Minor : Women and the Fine Arts
Concordia University, Montreal

S P E C I A L    P R O J E C T S 

Céline B. La Terreur is a proud contributor of ArtFem.TV
ArtFem.TV is a non-profit, artist-run ITV (Internet Television), as well as a portal on art and feminism founded in 2008 by artist Evelin Stermitz.

Céline B. La Terreur is a proud supporter of the Duplessis Orphans and the CODVA 
in their aim to obtain justice

Céline B. La Terreur is proud member of Vidéographe and sits its Board of Directors

Established in 1971 in Montréal, Vidéographe is an artist-run centre dedicated to the research and the dissemination of moving image practices. This includes experimentation in video art, animation, digital arts, documentary, essay, fiction and dance video.

In addition to examining the formal and technical developments of the moving image, Vidéographe looks at the political power of the medium. For as long as it has existed, video has been used as a tool for protest, for the assertion of identity, and for the democratization of discourse. Vidéographe places particular focus on this documentary function.

Vidéographe conserves and distributes a collection of more than 2,250 videos made by more than 800 artists and engaged citizens. Thanks to Vidéographe, these works are showcased nationally and internationally through programming and distribution at festivals, galleries, museums, colleges and universities, as well as via the Internet. This video collection is one of the most important in Canada and is undeniably part of the country’s cultural heritage. It shines light on the social and artistic issues and movements that have helped shape cultural life in Quebec and Canada since the 1970s. (Source :
Source :

Céline B. La Terreur has been at the helm of the experimental music and video collective ze Céline B. La Terreur since their not very bright debut at Musique Plus (Québec’s Much Music) in 2004. Since then, ze Céline B. La Terreur have gladly shared their opinions on cheap vodka brands and united their talents to produce a wide range of avant-garde delusions. They make a point of producing exceptionally little music and have become the go-to reference for desynchronized lip sync.  Genius.

Céline B. La Terreur has been declared Her Numinescence of the Quebec Academy of 'Pataphysics (Académie québécoise de 'Pataphysique) and has been a proud member of this Academy since 2012.

The Quebec Academy of 'Pataphysics is a Literate Francophone Society, founded in 1989 by writer Line McMurray (Her Luminescence), nine years after her encounter with French playwright and 'Pataphysicist Eugene Ionesco in 1980.  This Academy brings together Quebec artists, writers, poets and thinkers. Notable among its members are the artists COZIC and Florent Veilleux, and the poet Raôul Duguay

The Quebec Academy of 'Pataphysics aims to perpetuate the tradition of Alfred Jarry's 'Pataphysics and is inspired by the French Collège de 'Pataphysique in Paris.  Writer Line McMurray, founder of the Quebec Academy of 'Pataphysics is also a member of the original Collège de 'Pataphysique in Paris.  Some famous 'Pataphysicians - all members of that same Collège - include Man Ray, Max Ernst, The Marx Brothers, Marcel Duchamp, Jacques Prévert, Antonin Artaud, Raymond Queneau, Boris Vian, Eugène Ionesco, Joan Miró, Umberto Eco, and Fernando Arrabal.

'Pataphhysics can be described as the Science of Imaginary Solutions.

Since 2016, Céline B. La Terreur, has acted as Her Numinescence at the Academy, hosting and organizing the Convents of the Academy, at the request of the founder, Her Luminescence.


Académie québécoise de 'Pataphysique

Her Numinescence's Blog

Céline B. La Terreur as Her Numinescence
Photo : Richard-Max Tremblay



This image of Father Ubu
sporting the traditional Quebec sash
is a creation of the 'Pataphysicist Claude Frascadore,
Member of the Quebec Academy of ‘Pataphysics

Céline B. La Terreur is proud to have been a member of the Board of Directors of Mon projet d’affaires (My Business Project) from 2011 to 2014, founded by feminists and entrepreneurs Lucie Laviolette and Jocelyne Munger. Mon projet d’affaires was a social economy enterprise founded in 2009 that supported women in their entrepreneurial approach towards financial independence. This non-profit organization was forced to close in 2014 due to lack of financial support.

Céline B. La Terreur contributed to the writing of the first edition of the Visual Artists' Skills Dictionary, published by the Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels (RAAV), 2010. This reference tool is available in all art schools and universities in the province of Quebec.

D O C U M E N T A R Y   C I N E M A T O G R A P H Y   

2024-2018  • COZIC. a documentary film by Céline B. La Terreur,
75 min. 4K, color. La Terreur Productions
Release : 2025












Documentation of Duplessis Orphelins testimonials and other members of Quebec society including the independent economist Ianik Marcil


Line Mc Murray is a feminist writer, poet and artist.  She founded the Quebec Academy of Pataphysics in 1989.



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