Feature-length documentary in progress on Quebec feminist writer Line Mc Murray, founder of the Académie québécoise de 'Pataphysique.
Directed and edited by Céline B. La Terreur



Réalisation et montage : Céline B. La Terreur
Documentaire expérimental de 60 minutes sur le peintre Paul-Émile Borduas, projetée lors de trois représentations du Chœur de la Montagne.
Produit par la Ville de Mont-Saint-Hilaire


E X P E R I M E N T A L   C I N E M A   

Experimental docu-drama in progress with members of the Académie québécoise de 'Pataphysique, portraying several features of Quebec's artistic and geographical landscape.
With interventions and filmed performances by COZIC, Florent Veilleux, Claude Frascadore, François Raymond, Line Mc Murray, Éric Ladouceur, Éric Gagnon, Michel de Sévigné, Gleason Théberge, Charles Bonenfant, Joyce Yahouda, Pierre Dion, Yves Langlois, Raôul Duguay and Céline B. La Terreur.  

2023 • The Mysteries of Saint-Côme.  Color, stereo, 16 min. 13 sec.
2023 • Dionysian Extasy, inspired by the life of Isadora Duncan. Color, stereo, 05min. 05sec.  
2019 • Hyperflexion Conteporary Art, South Africa : F is for Feminism and the Female Form
2014 • The Divine Tragedy: The Tower, Considered for the 87th Academy Awards (Oscars)
Landmark Theater, Los Angeles
2014 New York City International Film Festival, New York, N.Y.
The Divine Tragedy: The Tower : American Premiere in New York City
2014 • Film Market, Cannes Film Festival,
Presentation of the movie The Divine Tragedy: The Tower
New World Cinemas, Cannes, France
2012 • Magmart – International Videoart Festival, Naples, Italy
SUPER BALLET, video, 2010
2012 • Oslo Screen Festival, Oslo, Norway
Exerpts of videos by Céline B. La Terreur presented by Evelin Stermitz, founder of ArtFem.TV
2010 • Galerie de l'UQÀM : Expansion (group show)
SUPER BALLET, video, Curator: Louise Déry
2009 • Sporobole, Sherbrooke : Pubs d'art, Curator: Sébastien Pesot 
2007• Cirque du Soleil
Tales from the Ship: Liberty by the Truth, video
2006 • Montreal Underground Film Festival 
Bubbles: Pink Violence
Screening of the 2nd video clip by Céline B. La Terreur : FANTASTIC AEROBIC
2000 • Galerie V.A.V., Concordia University : On the Line/Sur la ligne, group show, video
Curators: Michelle Bush and Maria Sheriff


2025-2004 "Tales from the Ship" : a fabulous soap opera filled with bad taste by "Ze Céline B. La Terreur".

D O C U M E N T A R Y   F I L M 

COZIC : Portrait-robot
(Courtesy of COZIC)

2025-2018 - COZIC 
Feature-length documentary tracing an inspiring portrait of this avant-garde Quebec visual arts couple.

In 2003, as a young artist and curator, I invited COZIC to an event on kitsch at Joyce Yahouda Gallery. We've bounded instantly.  Yvon was so warm, and Monic, so impressive, articulate, and above all: confident.  I admire COZIC's work, because it's happy, often funny, playful and provocative.  I wanted to highlight the story of this artistic union that emanates from the love between a woman, Monic, and a man, Yvon, fused into this COZIC identity. A contemporary fairy tale in which the princess and the prince have fun creating, together. (CBLT). In a remote country in the middle of an enchanted forest, a couple builds a total fantasy world where art merges with intimacy. Their lives are the theater of this passion. This film is an attempt to recount the alchemy of this exhilarating collaboration, a plunge into their enchanting and mysterious career. Let's celebrate the artistic diamond wedding of Monic Brassard and Yvon Cozic, and accompany them to the ultimate consecration of this retrospective at the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec (ED).

“COZIC” (feature-length documentary), 2025, 70 minutes, color, 4K, 5.1 audio.

Original language: French. Available with English and French subtitles.

A film by Etienne Desrosiers and Céline B. La Terreur

An original idea by Céline B. La Terreur
Directed by Etienne Desrosiers, Céline B. La Terreur
Screenplay: Etienne Desrosiers, Céline B. La Terreur
Director of production : Etienne Desrosiers
Executive Producer : Joyce Yahouda
Research : Céline B. La Terreur
Camera : David Simard, Jérôme Sabourin, Jean-Philippe Thibault, Thomas Malenfant-Gilbert , Céline B. La Terreur
Editing: Etienne Desrosiers
Original music by : Jean-Philippe Thibault
2D Animation : Brigitte Archambault
Colorization : Alexandre Lamy-Camuel
Sound editing: Thomas Malenfant-Gilbert, Benoît Veilleux
Production: La Terreur Productions
Distribution: K-Films Amérique

This documentary was produced with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.

Special thanks to Monic Brassard and Yvon Cozic, Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, Nadja Cozic, Gilles Lapointe, Louise Déry, Madeleine Forcier, François Rochon, Jean-Paul Daoust, Vidéographe.

World premiere at the Festival du Film sur l'Art (FIFA) 2025.

Documentary project in progress.

Directed and edited by Céline B. La Terreur
Camera ; Céline B. La Terreur, David Simard
Sound recording: Céline B. La Terreur, David Simard

Since 2012, filmmaker Céline B. La Terreur has been documenting and preserving various testimonies of Duplessis Orphans from a feminist perspective, with different forms of violence as her starting point.

In the tragedy of the Duplessis Orphans, violence is expressed in all its forms: physical, psychological, verbal, sexual, economic, social, spiritual... 

The director documented the accounts of several victims. Did they have information about the circumstances of their conception, about their parents, about the reasons for their abandonment?  For all sorts of reasons, the majority of victims were men.  Had these men been abused as children in institutions? If so, what kind? And during their adolescence? As adults, were they victims of other forms of violence or injustice?  In 2025, the majority of victims have died, often in great isolation and poverty, their remains thrown into mass graves for lack of relatives to keep their memory alive.  Most of the survivors live in isolation and in precarious conditions.

With the current rise of certain extreme right-wing movements, this tragedy, closely linked to women's rights, still casts a disturbing shadow over Quebec society, particularly on vulnerable groups such as children, teenagers and the elderly.

(We ate the meat, which was covered in dirt)
Still frame from the testimony of Sylvio Day,
Duplessis Orphan 

Reproduced with the permission of C.O.D.V.A.

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